I'm Losing It

I'm Losing It

Friday, March 11, 2011

Difficulties are just another reason to work harder

My weigh-in on Tuesday night sucked!! I gained 1.4 lbs. I keep flirting with the 130's but then I slowly creep up to 140 again. Can we say frustrating? My body loses weight very.slowly. Yeah..try like at a snail's pace!! The Weight Watchers leaders keep telling me that because I don't have as much to lose. Well for someone who's only 5'4 any gain I have shows on my body. At home I strip down naked to weigh myself. Too bad I can' do that at my weigh-ins on Tuesday nights lol. Well I suppose I could but they'd probably have me arrested for indecent exposure.

Weigh-in nights cause me a great deal of stress. I don't know what the big deal is. I mean weight is just a number right? Tomorrow I'm going to pick up a tape measure and take my measurements. Maybe if I see myself losing inches it will help me move away from my fixation of the number I see on my scale. I mean I did have to donate almost all my clothes to Good Will because they were too big for me. Oh darn! I guess I'm going to have to get new clothes for the spring/summer months. Including a swim suit. Thinking about that brings a whole nother range of anxiety for me.

I have seen some changes in my body since I began this WW/exercise journey. My legs are more muscular and my tummy is tightening up. I have tons of energy and my moods are lighter. I knew this journey wasn't going to be easy. Discouragement is part of any new change in life. I'll just keep on keepin on I guess.


  1. Sometimes we are up and sometimes we are down, what is most important is that you are doing it! You have come so far and are working so hard that eventually you will be where you want to be. Keep up the great work :)

  2. I hear you...I have lost 8 pounds in the last two months and then now I am losing nothing (not gaining either but still). I will also be measuring myself because other people are noticing but I am not. Keep up all your great work!
